Karen Andrews, M.A.  Shamanic Healing




Preparing for a Healing Session:

The most important way to prepare is to want to heal.  You must want to change in order for healing to happen.  Having a clear vision of how you want to change helps even more.  If we are going to do a soul retrieval, you need to feel welcoming towards any pieces of yourself that may be missing.  You must want your missing pieces to come home and become part of you again. 

I will be able to help you more efficiently if you have given thought to what emotional issues are bothering you, where you are stuck or hurt or traumatized and need healing or assistance.  Some questions that you may want to ask yourself are:

  • What is not working in my life?
  • What feels out of balance?
  • What is missing, or what qualities have I lost which I long to reclaim?
  • Are there unhealthy patterns in my life which keep repeating?
  • Are there people in my life with whom I have unhealthy connections?
  • Does my life feel out of control?
  • Are there negative themes from my ancestry which are repeating in my life?
  • Why am I feeling called to seek spiritual healing now?

Our shared intention is what gives power to spiritual healing.  The more clear you are about the transformation you are seeking, the more likely our work together will have a powerful effect on your well-being.  When your intention and mine are clear, powerful, and completely aligned, then amazing things can happen.  (Because of this, I ask that clients avoid recreational drugs and alcohol for twenty-four hours before appointments.

And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.
– Anais Nin



Shamanic Healing Work

View of the World Underlying My Healing Work

What Is This Type of Healing Work Good For?

What Can You Expect?

Specific Shamanic Healing Techniques



My Training